Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine’s Day… “The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth”

We rent a hot water heater from a company which charges a minimum monthly fee with the agreement if anything goes wrong with it the company will replace/repair it at no cost.  This small fee is automatically deducted each month from our bank account.

When the water heater broke down, my fearless husband, made a call to save the day.  After hours on hold, several negotiated agreements and a service call later, Rob proudly announced that the water heater had been fixed and “for our troubles” the company had agreed to forego two months of automatic deductions.  Sounds fair enough, right?  So wrong!

Instead, the water heater rental company started charging our account DOUBLE each month!  The minimum monthly fee was NOW not so minimal, and this situation had gone from bad to worse.  Although we now have hot water after 5pm, Rob’s carefully constructed plan to resolve the hot water heater saga was still causing a strain in our bank account and our marriage.

In an effort to create peace and harmony in the Ramey household once again, Rob knew the key to my heart…Shakespeare!

My Fairest Love,

I in loving fondness inquired of our financial institution of the misfortune that we have long suffered.  That being the abusive nature of which our distributor of waters warmth erroneously charged us for our usage.  Our financial institution doth so agree that such charges coming from our wealth is in fact duplicated.  They have given me a scroll by which to prove our claim. Henceforth, I will bid you this note, this claim that gives proof of this vile evil. 

Oh my Fair Lady, how I detest the notion to call on you for your service,  but dare I ask you to take these scrolls the financial institution hath provided and scribe them via faxation to our lender of waters’  warmth.  I know thou lovest me and would be so willing to help in this transaction, but all the while I cringe to think of asking you of such a trivial matter.

Please forgive my Love, Rob

I declare Rob FORGIVEN!  I am reminded today how humor has always been a great healer in our marriage and of Lysander’s words from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, “The course of true love never did run smooth.”  

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